In early 2015 i started work on a project that i fell in love with and continued until 2019! Combining my passion of fashion photography with my love of food. In this photo series, you will see people of all shapes and sizes, models and clients, from all over! We show the many aspects that Food + Fashion can create from sexy, to controversial, to cutsie, to funny, to healing.
The stories of self love i've experienced when working on this have been incredible. Many people deal with battles with food. Myself included, always up and down with weight, using food for comfort when stressed. It's been an ongoing battle.
Some people can't gain weight, and some people feel like they gain weight just looking at food. Both skinny and plus size people deal with judgement for their bodies. Bodies that food fuels, comforts, and sometimes makes you sick. Having people take this series as a chance to overcome their feelings of food, to celebrate their love of food, to overcome their fear, and even to take back their power, has given this project more meaning than i could ever hope for.
A book with this project was planned but a traumatic event prevented me from pursuing it. I may revisit that in the future and get each persons permission to move forward on it if I do to ensure only the ones who want their images published will be included. Until then, enjoy some of these fun shots!